Carbon Black


Carbon Black

High Color Carbon Black 

Product OAN I2No. Application Product form
Black Pearls 1300 87 - 99 615 - 715 Coatings Pellets
Black Pearls 1400 76 - 88 600 - 682 Coatings Pellets
Emperor 1600 N/A N/A High jetness solvent based coatings Soft bead 
Emperor 1800 N/A N/A Highest jetness in water-based or polar solvent coating Soft bead 
Emperor 2000 N/A N/A Highest jetness in water-based or polar solvent coating Soft bead 
Monarch 1300 94 - 106 615 - 715 Coatings Fluffy
Monarch 1400 84 - 96 600 - 682 Coatings Fluffy
Monarch 1500 81 - 96 610 - 700 Coatings Fluffy

Medium Color Carbon Black 

Product OAN I2No.
Application Product form
Black Pearls 800 62 - 74 238 - 278 Plastics, Coatings Pellets
Black Pearls 880 98 - 112 238 - 278 Plastics, Coatings Pellets
Black Pearls 900 58 - 70 238 - 278 Plastics, Coatings Pellets
Black Pearls 1000 100 - 120 472 - 556 Plastics, Coatings Pellets
Emperor 1200 N/A N/A Automotive, coil and high-end industrial solvent-based coatings , Powder coating Soft bead 
Monarch  800 68 - 80 238 - 278 Plastics, Coatings, Inks Fluffy
Monarch  880 104 - 120 238 - 278 Plastics, Coatings, Inks Fluffy
Monarch  900 64 - 76 238 - 278 Plastics, Coatings, Inks Fluffy
Monarch 1000 100 - 120 472 - 556 Plastics, Coatings, Inks Fluffy
Monarch 1100     Plastics, Coatings, Inks Fluffy

Regular Color Carbon Black 

Product OAN I2No.
Application Product form
Black Pearls L 55 - 65 158 - 198 Adhesive, Coatings, Inks, Pinting Toner Pellets
Black Pearls 2 116 - 126 39 - 47 Plastic moldings, Wire & Cable Pellets
Black Pearls 130 66 - 74 24 - 32 Plastic moldings, sheets, films Pellets
Black Pearls 280 113 - 125 38 - 48 Plastic moldings, sheets, films, Pipes(Non P type) Pellets
Black Pearls 430 72 80 Plastic moldings, sheets, films Pellets
Black Pearls 460 97 - 107 77 - 87 Plastic moldings, sheets, films Pellets
Black Pearls 570 114 110 Plastic moldings, sheets, films Pellets
Black Pearls 717 47 - 63 173 - 193 Plastics moldings, Coatings Pellets
Black Pearls 4350 66 - 74 109 - 123 Food contact plastics (FDA Grade) Pellets
Black Pearls 4560i 105 - 115 120 - 130 Synthetic Fiber Pellets
Elftex TP     Pressure Pipe (P type) Pellets
Elftex P100 96 - 112 71 - 87 Pressure Pipe (P type) Pellets
Mogul H 97 - 107 117 - 137 Coatings, Inks, Toners Powder
Mogul E 43 - 55 46 - 69 UV curable inks & Coatings Powder
Mogul L 57 - 67 158 - 198 Adhesive, Coatings, Inks, Pinting Toner Powder
Monarch 120 62 - 72 25 - 35 Adhesive, Coatings, Inks, Plastics, Sealant & Silicone Elastomer Fluffy
Monarch 280 113 - 125 38 - 48 Adhesive, Coatings, Inks, Plastics, Sealant & Silicone Elastomer Fluffy
Monarch 430 70 - 80 77 - 87 Adhesive, Coatings, Inks, Plastics, Sealant & Silicone Elastomer Fluffy
Monarch 460 98 - 108 76 - 88 Adhesive, Coatings, Inks, Plastics, Sealant & Silicone Elastomer Fluffy
Monarch 570 109 - 119 115 - 127 Adhesive, Coatings, Inks, Plastics, Sealant & Silicone Elastomer Fluffy
Monarch 580A100 110 - 130 195 - 235 Adhesive, Coatings, Inks, Plastics, Sealant & Silicone Elastomer Fluffy
Monarch 717 173 - 193 47 - 62 Adhesive, Coatings, Inks, Plastics, Sealant & Silicone Elastomer Fluffy
Monarch 4750 117 - 127 253 - 263 Food contact plastics (FDA Grade) Fluffy
Regal 99R 61 - 69 58 - 68 Inks Powder
Regal 250R 42 - 50 62 - 74 Inks Powder
Regal 300 72 82 Inks Powder
Regal 330R 60 - 70 90 - 100 Inks, Pinting Toner Powder
Regal 350R 42 - 50 50 - 60 Adhesive, Coatings, Inks Powder
Regal 400R 66 - 76 111 - 139 Adhesive, Coatings, Inks, Pinting Toner Powder
Regal 660R 61 - 69 116 - 126 Adhesive, Coatings, Inks Powder
Vulcan 9A32 110 - 118 130 - 142 Plastic Film, Sheet, Pipe, Cable jacket Pellets

Rubber Black

Product OAN I2No.
Application Product form
Spheron SO-LP 121 43 Rubber compounds that require a very low PAH Pellets
Spheron SOA 121 43 Automotive weather stripping, Hoses and extruded profiles Pellets
Spheron SO-1A 111 43 Automotive weather stripping, Hoses and extruded profiles Pellets
Spheron 1416 129 56 Turbocharger and brake hoses, Construction and building profiles, Automotive door seals, Membranes Pellets
Spheron 4000 51 31 Injection and compression molded rubber seals and gaskets, Pipe and hose liners, Turbo charger hoses
Very high hardness extruded Automotive door seals  
Spheron 4700 65 31 Automotive door seals, Injection and compression molded rubber seals Pellets
Spheron 5000 120 27 Automotive weather stripping and door seals , Extruded hoses and profiles, Molded rubber parts  Pellets
Spheron 6000 92 20 Automotive weather stripping, Hoses and extruded profiles Pellets
Spheron 6400 95 16 Rubber parts with high electrical resistivity specifications, Automotive coolant and industrial/consumer hoses 
Automotive weather stripping, door seals and extruded profiles
Spheron 5000A 120 27 Molded rubber parts, Automotive weather stripping, Hoses and extruded profiles Pellets
Spheron 6000A 92 20 Automotive coolant, hydraulic and industrial/consumer hoses, Automotive weather stripping Pellets
Spheron 6400A 95 16 Automotive weather stripping, Hoses and extruded profiles Pellets
Sterling NS (N774) 72 29 Industrial Rubber Products, Tires Pellets
Sterling SO (N550) 121 43 Industrial Rubber Products, Tires Pellets
Sterling SO-1 (N539) 111 43 Industrial Rubber Products, Tires Pellets
Sterling V (N660) 90 36 Industrial Rubber Products, Tires Pellets
Sterling VH (N650) 122 36 Industrial Rubber Products, Tires Pellets
Sterling 105 (N683) 133 35 Industrial Rubber Products, Tires Pellets
Sterling 1120 35 21 Engine mount components, Body mounts, High hardness molded goods, Dynamic parts requiring good flex life,
FKM, H-NBR polymer based rubber parts
Regal SRF (N772) 65 30 Gaskets, seals, windscreen wiper blades, engine mountings and hose linings, Tire tube and inner-liner compounds Pellets
Vulcan J (N375) 114 90 Tires, Industrial rubber product applications  Pellets
Vulcan M (N339) 120 90 Tires, Industrial rubber product applications  Pellets
Vulcan 3H (N347) 124 90 Tires Pellets
Vulcan 7H (N234) 125 120 Treads of premium passenger car tires, truck tires and solid tires, Truck tire re-treads, Conveyor belts Pellets
Vulcan 10H (N134) 127 142 Treads of passenger, truck and OTR tires, Truck tire re-treads, High performance passenger and light truck tires Pellets
Vulcan 3 (N330) 102 82 Tires, Film, Ink, Tires, Industrial Rubber Product  Pellets
Vulcan 6 (N220) 114 121 Tires, Film, Tires Pellets
Vulcan 1345 110 124 Tires, Industrial Rubber Product  Pellets
Vulcan 1380 143 76 Anti-Vibration parts for cars, trucks and OTR vehicles, Belts, Solid Tires  Pellets
Vulcan 1391 134 202 Anti-Vibration parts for cars, trucks and OTR vehicles, Belts, Solid Tires  Pellets
Vulcan 1436 143 97 Anti-Vibration parts for cars, trucks and off-the-road vehicles , Solid tires, Belts Pellets


Product OAN I2No.
Application Product form
Vulcan P 116 172 Conductive, ESD, Wire & Cable, Pipe Pellets
Vulcan XC200 110 - 121 40 - 52 Conductive, ESD, Wire & Cable Pellets
Vulcan XC305 131 72 Conductive, ESD, Wire & Cable Pellets
Vulcan XC500 143-153 68 - 80 Conductive, ESD, Wire & Cable Pellets
Vulcan XC605 148 90 Conductive, ESD, Wire & Cable Pellets
Vulcan XC68 118 - 128 63 - 73 Conductive, ESD, Wire & Cable Pellets
Vulcan XC72 164 - 184 233 - 273 Conductive, ESD, Wire & Cable Pellets
Vulcan XC72R 182 - 202 235 - 271 Conductive, ESD, Wire & Cable Pellets
Vulcan XCmax 280 - 360 1250 - 1550 Conductive, ESD, Wire & Cable Pellets
Black Pearls 2000 300 - 360 1330 - 1494 Antistatic, Conductive  Pellets

High resistivity 

Product OAN I2No.
Application Product form
TPK1099R 37 57 High resistivity in Display Fluffy
TPK1104R 37 57 High resistivity in Display Fluffy
TPK1227R N/A N/A High resistivity in Display Fluffy

  • 대표 : 정종원
  • 사업자등록번호 : 110-81-56042
  • 주소 : 서울시 강남구 논현로28길 24, 5층(도곡동)
  • 대표전화 : 02-579-2981~3
  • 팩스번호 : 02-579-3982