


중분류 제품 List 용도
Coatex Acrylic Thickner Viscoatex 46 Industrial, decorative paints, adhesives
Viscoatex 330 Industrial, decorative paints, textured coatings, adhesives
Viscoatex 730 Industrial, decorative paints, textured coatings, adhesives
Thixol 53L Industrial, textured coatings, pigments paste, wood-stains
Coatex Associative acrylic Thickner Rheotech 2000 Industrial, decorative paints
Rheotech 2800 Industrial, decorative paints
Rheotech 3800 Industrial, decorative paints
Rheotech 3900 Industrial, decorative paints
Rheotech 4800 Industrial, decorative paints
Rheotech M02 Industrial, decorative paints
Rheotech M03 Industrial, decorative paints
Coatex Urethane Thickner Coapur 6050 Industrial, deco, anti-corrosive paints
Coapur 975W Industrial, decorative paints
Coapur 830W Industrial, deco, anti-corrosive paints
Coapur 817W Industrial, deco, anti-corrosive paints
Coapur 520W Industrial, decorative paints
Coapur 3025 Industrial, deco, wood paints
Coapur 3020 Industrial, deco, wood paints
Coapur 2025 Industrial, deco, wood paints
Coapur 2020W Industrial, deco, wood paints
Coapur 2501 Industrial, deco, wood paints
Coapur XS 83 Industrial, deco, heavy-duty, anti-corrosive paints
Coapur XS 71 Industrial, deco, heavy-duty, anti-corrosive paints
Coapur XS 22 Alkyd emulsion paints
Coatex Dispersants Coadis A 122 Paints, and coatings containing ZnO
Coadis BR 3 Deco, silicate paints containing Fe2O3, TiO2
Coadis BR 40 Deco, silicate paints containing Fe2O3, TiO2
Coadis 123K Deco, textured coatings containing organic pigments
Coadis 144A Deco paints containing TiO2
Coadis 173 Roof coatings, sealants containing ZnO
Coadis 335A Tarafic coating, road marking
Coadis 352N Tarafic coating, road marking
Coadis BR 85 Gloss aklyd emulsion, TiO2 optimization
Coadis 615 Water resistance, anti-corrosive paints, pigments paste
Coadis 790 Industrial, deco paints, pigments paste
Ecodis P 90 Water resistant flat paints, and thick film coatings
Ecodis P 50 Odourless flat paints, thick film coatings, silicate paints
Ecodis P 30 Odourless flat paints, thick film coatings, silicate paints
Ecodis P 500HR Odourless flat paints, thick film coatings, silicate paints
  • 대표 : 정종원
  • 사업자등록번호 : 110-81-56042
  • 주소 : 서울시 강남구 논현로28길 24, 5층(도곡동)
  • 대표전화 : 02-579-2981~3
  • 팩스번호 : 02-579-3982